"By his third wife Dr. Lucullus G. had a daughter, Teresa, who won considerable fame as a singer, musician, and Broadway actress."
Reading those words might send one down a rabbit hole. Wouldn't you agree? They can be found on page 87 of Lois Burkhalter's biography of Gideon Lincecum [affiliate link], father of said Dr. Lucullus G. I've tackled the research of cousin Theresa a couple of times, but still so woefully lack information. I'm throwing out what I've got here, hoping someone can help.
First, according to the notes of Lois Burkhalter included in her book, the information she wrote about Teresa came from an interview she conducted with Dr. Addison Lysander Lincecum. He was also a son of Dr. Lucullus G., by way of the second wife – Fannie Rainwater.
Dr. L. G. Lincecum had three wives and nine children. Lee County, Texas records show the third marriage to be between L. G. Lincecum and M. E. Oliphant, taking place 29 December 1878. Census records suggest her name to be Marie (or Mary) Emma. L. G.'s last daughter, "Theresa Lincicum," is noted as a 6-month-old in the 1880 Lampasas County, Texas Federal census.
Theresa is not listed with the family in 1900. Lucullus G. and Marie do have another child, though, also listed as Lucullus G. (Later, I find newspaper articles to suggest this baby brother of Theresa's also went by "Lew" or "Louis.") The same census does note Marie/Mary had a total of two children, both living. Dr. Lucullus G. Lincecum, father of Theresa, died a couple of months after this census was taken.
A marriage is recorded for Miss Fanny Theresa Lincecum in Lampasas County, Tx. She wed Mr. C. Martin 3 January 1900. The couple is found boarding in the Aldridge Putnam household at Waco, Tx later in the same year per the census taker. Claud, a telephone inspector, was there with Theresa L., b. November 1879.
According to a single, undocumented source via FamilySearch's "Pedigree Resource File," Claude Martin died 10 October 1904 at Chattanooga, Tennessee. That's all I got for him.
A relatively wide search of online newspaper articles does confirm Miss Theresa Lincecum Martin had an acting career, performing in plays at least in the Midwest and Texas. An item in the 17 November 1910 edition of the Palestine Daily (Texas) shows the actress's birthday coincides closely with what the census taker said:
Birthday Party.
Miss Theresa Martin, leading lady with "The House of a Thousand Candles" company, was given a birthday party by the union stage employes [sic] of the New Temple last night after the performance. The event was pronounced a most enjoyable one by every one present.
Next, I have an ad from the 7 July 1911 edition of the Temple Daily Telegram (Texas):
An article from the next day's edition says this:
…The Morey Stock is under the same management as "The Llower [sic] of the Ranch" company which played the New Exchange Theatre some time ago and have the enviable reputation of having the best of the best in every respect, regardless of expense, and to maintain the reputation that they have established, in offering Morey Stock company they offer Miss Theresa L. Martin, better known to the people of Temple as Miss Theresa Lincecum, daughter of the late Dr. L. G. Lincecum of Lampasas, who has been engaged for the leading roles and is featured in her own plays. Miss Martin needs no introduction as her many friends and admirers have known her since childhood, and they will be pleased to have the estimable little lady with them for a week, and an opportunity to renew the pleasures of childhoods happy days. Louis Lincecum, better known as "Son," is with the company, playing the leading roles opposite his sister, and the supporting company is all that can be desired as they were engaged to support Miss Martin, and every one of her friends know that they must be good or they would not be capable of holding up their position if they were not better than the average as Miss Martin is certainly a star of no mean magnitude. The Morey Stock offers Miss Martin in her favorite play, "Dixie Land," next Monday night, she having chosen this play for her opening performance so her friends may have a chance to see her to the best advantage.
The following is from the 25 August 1911 edition of The Walnut Valley Times (El Dorado, Kansas):
And, finally, an article from the 7 September 1912 edition of The Macon Republican (Missouri) notes the following, with which I don't completely agree:
…Lincecum, by the way is Miss Martin's real name, the other being her stage title only.
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I Have a Hunch (and a Ton of Questions)
I think it's possible Theresa and Lew's mother died sometime before or around 1910. Did that (hypothetically) push Theresa into acting for financial reasons? Or was it a career she wanted and loved? I also think it's highly possible Mrs. Theresa Lincecum Martin married again. But did she? The Texas Death Index database at FamilySearch has the following listing:
Frances Teresa Martin, d. 21 July 1980 at Tarrant County
If this is "my" Theresa, she would have been a few months shy of 101 years old at her time of death. I'll admit it's unlikely, but not impossible. Anyone out there have information to share about my cousin, the famed actress?
Are you wondering what's up with all the "letter" posts? I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge (links to official page). This challenge lasts through the month of April, with Sundays off. Each day follows a different letter prompt, in order, from A to Z. Click here to see all my letter posts on one page (in reverse order). Though this is my second year in the challenge, it's my first with two blogs. My theme here is "kinfolk direct." Versus any name from the one name study, these genealogy and history posts all involve someone to which I am related. You may follow along with me by RSS feed and other social media platforms listed at the top of the sidebar. I and other bloggers in the challenge on Twitter will also be using #atozchallenge.
I'm also participating with Southern Graves. This blog as a whole is one of my themes – telling the tales of tombstones, primarily from those found in the Southern United States and usually the State of Georgia.
Are you participating in the challenge, too? Please leave a link to your blog in the comments, I'd love to pay you a visit. Good luck to all involved!