Other Surnames

Other Surnames within the Project (Usually those of Spouses):

- Barrett
- Berry/Barry
- Bigham
- Brown

- Campbell
- Cardwell

- Daniel
- Delap
- Doran
- Durham

- Eleazar

- Gandy
- Gordon

- Hawthorn/e
- Huckaby

- James

- Kownslar
- Kynion

- Lauderdale

- Martin
- McIlwain/e

- O'Banion

- Pape
- Parker

- Reat
- Roberts

- Saulsbury
- Shiflett
- Starks
- Stubblefield

- Tamplin
- Thurman

- Weeks

1 comment:

Carol C. said...

Nancy Linecum Berry was my 4th great grandmother. Thank you for sharing this information.

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